Without sounding dramatic there is a sense of despair when stepping into the February garden. SO much to do but not great conditions to do them in. As I wrote in my January post, heavy clay needs to be left well alone but the need to do something – can over ride common sense. I am being much better about waiting. Letting the most saturated beds lie and getting on with safe jobs like potting up and moving zippy greenhouses into more secure positions.
February, as you might have guessed, is not my favourite month. It’s a waiting room to spring and I want to get going. However, in a bid to enjoy it more than usual I am saving some of favourite jobs. These include planning and buying seeds for the summer ahead.
First I go through all my existing seeds to see what I have. Then I plan what I want. This includes going through books, photos and notes. Once I have all the varieties listed I organise by flowering month, I then see if there are any colour or planting gaps. I always go back to favourite varieties but allow some space to test new varieties. I have saved it for February because let’s face it, buying seeds is fun and February is not!

Being a month of romance, I like to concentrate on my roses. I managed a glorious day in the garden yesterday. My 9 year old helped assemble two simple arches for me. He was adamant he needed no help which left me time to get them installed as he worked. There is only one to go – woo hoo. This gives my climbing roses a chance this year rather than swinging precariously around the garden ready to whip a passer by.
In other rose news, its time for the annual prune. Longs stems will be taken down by 1/3 and any wispy or crossing branches removed. I was looking at them this morning and feeling more than ready to this job. Roses are such a delight. I’m learning to support mine by giving them a trim and plenty of space, leading me to the next job.
Moving peonies…
When I decided to set up my working cutting garden, I threw in as much as I could, including peonies. Because, everyone loves a peony. However now things are more established it all needs some more space. In my big bed, I have taken out an old rose which has given me room to play with. This bed is looking tired and lost. As I still have time, I’d like to remove some of the peonies hidden in the roses and give them their own space.

One job that anyone can do this February, is start to clear any debris. Yesterday, it was a good day, I took to the garden with a black sack and cleared. Bits had gathered in our sideway, wild winds had whipped flower pots everywhere and foxes had been using any left over toys as a toilet. It all went and is now neatly stacked ready for a tip run. It’s made that sense of despair at the intro of the post ease and I now feel ready to embark on the month with a clean slate. Perhaps an monthly clear out is a habit to continue as I venture further into the year.
Not only is a clear garden giving me space to think, its also giving physical space. I need to make room for a big compost delivery. I’ve been to a talk with Charles Dowding, seen Monty’s mulch post and watched Martha Know Best. What do they all have in common (apart from more money than me)? Really good soil. This year, if I only do one thing, its investing into the soil in which I grow.
Have a great month flower friends! x

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