Hydrangea, Washi tape and Gift Tag Garland with Papermash

I’ve really enjoyed writing DIY’s for Papermash lately, can you tell?! Finding ways to turn ordinary items into something special is my thing. This garland takes everyday garden twine and a hydrangea harvest to glistening heights with the addition of washi tape (what else) and golden gift tags. There are quite a few steps to this DIY but so much content to choose from. You can do all the steps as I have done (I did this over a few days) or pick and choose which element works for you.

If you’ve been reading Lotts and Lots for a while you may remember I used to write a lot of DIY’s, my life has changed so much from those early days but the heart of my work remains the same, to inspire you to make your everyday beautiful. I’m really enjoying bringing a DIY element back into my flower work, growing your own craft materials is the best and so rewarding. Taking no more than is needed, makes me so happy. This garland will work for many celebrations to come and I can’t wait to use it across all the seasons.

I’ve put photos and steps below and as always a huge thanks to Lynne at Papermash for her support this year. xx

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Step 1. Take three lengths of garden twine (as long as you can), fasten together at one end and then place over a sturdy hook, door handle, chair back etc…Wrap each length back on itself creating three bundles, this makes the next stages much easier.

Step 2. Rip lengths of tape and twist around the string lengths in random places. I used the turquoise from the Joy Washi Tape set and Shiny Gold Washi tape.

Step 3. Start to plait the string together. Once you reach the bundles, wrap the plaited string around the hook and release more of the unplaited string. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until complete.

You can stop here if you like and have some really lovely coloured string to wrap presents with .

Step 4. For the decoration element I used some metal discs I had in my craft stash. As an alternative you could make a few discs from air dry clay or purchase some MDF shapes from the internet or skip this bit! I painted mine with white acrylic paint and then ripped pieces of washi tape to decorate.  I gave them a brush of Mod Podge to seal, PVA glue would also work.

Step 5. Fasten the discs onto the string at regular intervals and then peg a mix of gold branch gift tags and autumn leaf tags next to the discs.

Step 6. Using a glue gun, fix hydrangea petals over the disc fastening  and along the string.

Once complete you could use your garland for interlacing amongst foliage down a table or across a mantle or  simply hang on a wall. I’m definitely going to make some string to wrap my Christmas gifts with, just need to buy them first!

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