What could be a better pairing than fresh coffee and the freshest flowers?!
Last week was my busiest flower week yet. Despite my tulip harvest not being 100% what I’d hoped, what did flower was joyful and beautiful. I’m building my fresh flower business one stem at a time and was delighted to be able to gather jars of my most colourful blooms – tulips, daffodils, muscari, anemones and hardy geraniums for a local coffee shop.
I dotted them on tables and in other nooks around the shop, each one bringing its own floral magic to quiet tables and cosy nooks. I did these on a Thursday and when I peeked through the window the following Tuesday they were still looking good. I pick only the freshest stems which means vase life is always at it longest and as these pretties only had a short stroll up the road, no airmiles!
Flowers have the transformative ability to breath life into a space, I think it’s because they continue to grow and move even when they have been cut. Choosing British flowers means you get a lot more personality with your blooms, each stem should be enjoyed for its wiggle and waves and time should be savoured watching how each bud changes throughout its life span. It’s captivating. I usually keep my jars by the sink so I can appreciate them as I cook and wash up – plus it gives me an idea of how long they will last for you.
Sharing the delights of my garden (or should I call it a micro farm?) is the absolute best. Each week/month brings its own treasures that I hope to keep sharing with as many of you as possible. My flower jars start at £5, find me on Instagram or via my contact page if you would like a jar of your own, have a great weekend. xx
But First Coffee – 100 Leigh Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 1BU

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